


๐ŸŒž Solar Eclipse ๐ŸŒž

Solar Eclipse is an astronomical occurrence. A Solar Eclipse happens when the moon comes between Sun and Earth and cast its shadow on Earth. It is a natural phenomenon that happens only on Amavasya (New Moon Day). Generally, there can be 4 to 7 Eclipses in a calendar year.

Solar Eclipse An Astronomical Event

In astronomical terms, the full eclipse is an occultation phenomenon that happens when all the three celestial objects (Sun, Moon & Earth) come in a straight line. It is called Syzygy.

Transit Event

In astronomy, transit is an occurrence when a cosmic body moves between a larger heavenly body and an observer. In this transit state, the celestial body moves across the larger celestial body and covers a small portion of it. In the transit phase near celestial body looks smaller than the far distant celestial body. In other words, if the nearer celestial body not fully covers the other celestial body it is called a transit event.

Occultation Event

This is the astronomical event in which one celestial body covers the other dynamically when it passes across the other celestial body and observer. In this state, the nearer cosmic body appears larger and covers the other one completely. In other words, if the near celestial body appears larger and hides the far-flung celestial body completely is called Occultation Event.  

An eclipse happens due to a transit event or an occultation event.

In astronomical terms area of shadow during an eclipse is divided into three parts:


This is the state in which Moon covers the Sun completely. This is an occultation event.

In this state Moon comes in front of the Sun and covers it but the outer edges of the sun remain visible. This is a transit event.

In this state Moon partially covers the Sun. The shadow of the moon falls only on some part of the Sun. This is a transit event.

Types of Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse (Surya Grahan) is of four types namely “Partial Eclipse”, “Annular Eclipse”, “Total Eclipse” & Hybrid Eclipse.


Total Eclipse:
When Moon Covers the Sun completely this occurrence is called Total Eclipse. This occurrence can only be seen in a very small area of the earth. During this period, the sky turns completely dark.


Partial Eclipse:
When Moon Covers some part of Sun only.


Annular Eclipse: 
This is the event in which the moon covers the Sun but the outer edges of the Sun remain visible and give a natural ring-type appearance.

Hybrid Eclipse: 
It is a rare type of event. In this state, Sun appears completely hidden from some parts of the earth while it appears annular type from some other parts of the earth. 

Solar Eclipse Safety Precautions๐Ÿ‘“

Never see the Sun through naked eyes. Scientists use special gears to see this natural happening. It will cause eye injury to a great extent that may damage your retina. In a normal case to seeing towards Sun directly will cause harm.

Even never use dark sunglasses to view this event. There are special eclipse glasses to view this magical event. 

Solar Eclipse Myths Worldwide

In India

It is believed an inauspicious occurrence in Hindu Mythology. There are many myths and stories associated with it. Solar Eclipse is called “Grahan” in Hindi.  This phenomenon spreads a sort of fear among people and they depict this event as inauspicious.

Before happening Eclipse, Sutak Kaal starts. As per Hindu mythology, this is regarded as an inauspicious time. Also, in Hindu scriptures, some tasks are prohibited during this time like preparing food, eating food, cutting and tailoring, etc.  Some special guidelines are mentioned for pregnant women to ward off the ill effects of Eclipse. Generally, Sutak starts 12 hours before Solar Eclipse. As per Hindu belief, during this period everyone has to abstain from some works and spend more time praying to GOD only. This is the time when the universe goes through some bad phase.

Further, there is a tale associated with this event, when Gods lose all their powers due to the curse of saint Durvasa. To get their powers back, all Gods approach Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu suggests they churn the ocean for Elixir to regain their lost glory.

Now the story starts from here when Gods & Demons come together to churn the Ocean. In this process, many items are come out of the ocean. The elixir is one of those items, on which a quarrel starts between Gods & Demons. Each of them wants to drink this elixir first. After seeing all this, Lord Vishnu takes the incarnation of a beautiful woman called Mohini and pacifies the tussle between Gods & Demons. Mohini with her charm controls the situation and takes the vessel of Elixir in her authority to distribute this between both of them. She suggests the distribution of nectar in a turn-wise manner and starts distributing the nectar to all Gods first.

During this process, one demon called “Swarabhanu” takes the form of God and gets the elixir from God’s queue. The Sun and Moon recognize him and reveal his identity. Knowing his identity, Lord Vishnu cuts his head immediately. The body of "Swarabhau" divides into two parts, the head part called "Rahu" and the other part called "Ketu". But due to the effect of the elixir, he becomes immortal.

So there is a belief that Rahu takes revenge on Sun & Moon which results in Eclipses on them.

In Vietnam

Peoples of Vietnam believe that Giant Frog or Toad eats the Sun or Moon during the happening of Eclipses.

In China

In Chinese belief, a giant celestial dragon eats the Sun during this event. To save the Sun from this celestial dragon, Chinese peoples beat drums and make loud noises.

In Africa (Togo)

In Africa "Batammaliba" (Togo) tribe peoples believe that on an Eclipse day Sun and Moon fight each other. So, these tribe peoples come together and forget their past differences. Like this, they all want to encourage Sun and Moon to stop their fighting too.

Eclipse as a Good Luck Charm

Bohemia (Czech Republic)

Some feel this event is inauspicious but Bohemia’s miner believes that the event portends good luck in finding gold.


The peoples of Italy believes this event is great for planting flowers because in this time flowers are more colourful and bright.๐ŸŒป๐ŸŒผ๐ŸŒท

There are many more myths are around the world associated with this celestial event, I have mentioned a few.

Eclipses are a natural phenomenon that happens due to the movement of a celestial body in the Universe.



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