


The letter D is one of the strongest letters in the English alphabet. This includes everything from dawn to dusk, as well as dreaming and dying. As a result, I'm wanted to reveal to you the power of the letter "D". It is one of the alphabets that make up the word "GOD" that we all pray to on a regular basis.

GOD, if I expand a little more, you will understand the power of D. As far as I know, GOD stands for Generator, Operator, and Destroyer.

The “G” stands for the Generator that produces

The “O” stands for the Operator that observes and cares.

The “D” stands for the Destroyer that controls.

The power of "D" manifests itself in our bodies as well. Our bodies produce “Vitamin D” with the help of sunlight, which aids in the growth of bones and teeth, along with enhanced resistance to diseases.

You can judge the Power of D in the current situation as well. Covid-19 is an infectious disease that is wreaking havoc over the world. Every day, this ailment presents new obstacles to Human beings. However, the power of D will come in handy to deal with this. (Power of D as a Doctor already fights with it.)

From the sea of words, I have selected five wonderful words that begin with the letter "D". If you properly apply them in your life, you will observe a significant transformation in your life too. 

These five words would be magical in overcoming the present situation. Not only this, but these words also make us strong enough to handle any problem we meet in life ever.

My first magical word is “Devotion” 


As per the dictionary, the definition of devotion is the act of giving a lot of your time, energy, etc. to somebody/something. Your devotion is the key to the success of any project and assignment.

Unlike dedication, devotion does not always pertain to a person's commitment to a task. It, on the other hand, shows a great sense of enthusiasm for work. 

Devotion is diligence without assurance – Elizabeth Gilbert

Benefits of Devotion :

It develops initiating skills.
It makes you best in doing the job.
It develops collaboration and engagement
It makes you a Team player

Even the impossible becomes possible through devotion. –Sarda Devi

My second magical word is “Dedication" 

2-Dedication :  

The quality of being dedicated or committed to a task or purpose.  

This means that the person is committed to his work. He has great focus and concentration in succeeding in the task.

Dedicate yourself to what gives your life true meaning and purpose; make a positive difference in someone's life.” ― Roy T. Bennett

Benefits of Dedication :

  • It makes you work hard.
  • It helps in achieving your goals on time.
  • It develops an optimistic approach. You begin to see possibilities rather than limitations.
  • Success is guaranteed with hard work and dedication.

My third magical word is “Determination” 

3- Determination :

Determination is a quality that you portray when you have made a decision to accomplish something and will not be deterred. The attribute of being adamant about doing something, especially though it is extremely difficult.

Determination is essential because it allows us to endure in the face of adversity. It inspires us to march courageously forward in trust until we reach our destination. Because life is never easy, many of us stumble when we encounter difficulties. As a result of our determination, we have become more creative and innovative.

A dream does not become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination and hard work -Colin Powell 

Benefits of Determination

  • It helps to overcome failures.
  • It Creates Opportunities.
  • It encourages Creativity.
  • It helps to motivate others.
“Determination is kind of like rhythm: you can’t teach it.”- Jaime Pressly

My fourth magical word is “Distinguish” 

 4- Distinguish :

Recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another.

To be more successful, learn to distinguish between the truly unimportant and the truly important. Eventually, you will be considered not only a genius but a messiah as well. –Ernie J Zelinski

Benefits of Distinguish :
  • It develops the skill of judgment. 
  • It helps in achieving the goal.
  • It helps in making a decision. 
  • It saves time. 
“When we have priorities we can distinguish between the urgent and the important" -Michael Hyatt

My last  and fifth magical word is “Discipline” 

5- Discipline:

The definition of discipline as per the dictionary is - a rule or system of rules governing conduct or activity.

Discipline is among the first things we learn as kids. It comprises following a set of guidelines and procedures to help you achieve your goals.

Discipline is the force that influences us to learn all of the life lessons we require to achieve. 

Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment– John Rohn

Benefits of Discipline:

  • It teaches the value of time.
  • It helps in achieving the goal.
  • It helps in developing focus. 
  • It helps in staying active.
Discipline is the refining fire by which our talent becomes ability –Roy L. Smith


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