


The letter D is one of the strongest letters in the English alphabet. This includes everything from dawn to dusk, as well as dreaming and dying. As a result, I'm wanted to reveal to you the power of the letter "D". It is one of the alphabets that make up the word "GOD" that we all pray to on a regular basis. GOD, if I expand a little more, you will understand the power of D. As far as I know, GOD stands for Generator, Operator, and Destroyer. The “G” stands for the Generator that produces The “O” stands for the Operator that observes and cares. The “D” stands for the Destroyer that controls. The power of "D" manifests itself in our bodies as well. Our bodies produce “Vitamin D” with the help of sunlight, which aids in the growth of bones and teeth, along with enhanced resistance to diseases. You can judge the Power of D in the current situation as well. Covid-19 is an infectious disease that is wreaking havoc over the world. Every day, this ailment pre

International Mother Language Day

Language is the medium of communicating while most of the species on earth interact with each other in their developed vocal sounds. Human beings are also one of them but with a distinction that is the cognitive value of language. It differs human being from other creatures of the world.  It helps to acquire knowledge and give mental power such as thinking, reasoning and remembering. The human being would have developed this cognitive value during their evolution. That is a boon today, the whole world looks united as all sorts of peoples come together and sharing their thoughts, values, tradition, art, craft and knowledge with each other. Mother Tongue / Language Mother Tongue means a language that connects mother and child to each other naturally. This is the only language which connects the communication between the mother and the child.  "The only language men ever speak perfectly is the one they learn in babyhood when no one can teach them anything ! "   - Maria Montessor


Relationship a Bond of Love Image by  Susan Cipriano  from  Pixabay   Valentine Day is celebrated on "14th  February" every year. But I am not going to tell you about "Valentine's Day". Everyone knows about this " festival of love" . Today, I will tell you about maintaining a good relationship in your life. Relationship means amalgamation of two different minds for achieving the same goal and this bonding develops with elements of relationship like Love, Care, Emotion, Trust and Respect, etc. A disturbed relationship creates lots of tensions and disturbances in family and life. There are many more factors that affect a relationship but these are the prime ones in my own view. A Healthy relationship develops with the efforts of two souls who love, care, trust, respect, and mutually understand each other. Love This is an important element of a good relationship. The presence of this element makes life happier. Love can make


🌝FACTS OF LUNAR ECLIPSE AND MOON🌚 Lunar Eclipse is an astronomical occurrence.  Basically, a Solar Eclipse is connected to Sun and a Lunar Eclipse is connected to Moon. A Lunar Eclipse happens when Sun, Earth and Moon come in a straight line and earth’s shadow covers the Moon. It is a natural phenomenon that happens only on Full Moon Day  (Purnima in Hindi). At this time, the Sun and Moon remain in the opposite direction of the earth. Generally, 3 to 4 Lunar Eclipses happen in a calendar year.  The Lunar Eclipse lasts longer than Solar Eclipse.  Full Eclipse is a natural phenomenon that happens when all three celestial objects (Sun, Earth & Moon) come in a straight line. This state of all three celestial bodies is known as Syzygy . The Lunar Eclipses can be viewed from anywhere on the earth. LUNAR ECLIPSES ARE OF THREE TYPES: PENUMBRAL: It occurs when the earth's outer shadow covers the Moon. It is harder to see this Eclipse, as there is little


🎈 HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎈 The Year starts with positive vibes that gives the message of adopting new resolution to face the challenges of this life. A wonderful way to start the New Year with festivity all around.  The environment seems echoed with wishes of Happy New Year. The New Year celebration starts on the advent of Christmas all around the world but actual day of celebration begins at the Eve of 31st December every Year. Advent of New Year Celebration Due to different time zones of countries the New Year celebration time is different in the whole world. Kiribati Island in Pacific Ocean welcomes the year first. Thereafter New Zealand and Australia celebrates New Year. The Baker Island celebrates it in the last. Most of the Country celebrates the New Year as per Gregorian calendar on 1st January every year. How Peoples Celebrate New Year Peoples decorate their houses with illuminating lights and decorative items to welcome the start of Year. Besides th


🌞  Solar Eclipse  🌞 Solar Eclipse is an astronomical occurrence. A Solar Eclipse happens when the moon comes between Sun and Earth and cast its shadow on Earth. It is a natural phenomenon that happens only on Amavasya (New Moon Day). Generally, there can be 4 to 7 Eclipses in a calendar year. Solar Eclipse An Astronomical Event In astronomical terms, the full eclipse is an occultation phenomenon that happens when all the three celestial objects (Sun, Moon & Earth) come in a straight line. It is called Syzygy. Transit Event In astronomy, transit is an occurrence when a cosmic body moves between a larger heavenly body and an observer. In this transit  state , the celestial body moves across the larger celestial body and covers a small portion of it. In the transit phase near celestial body looks smaller than the far distant celestial body. In other words, if the nearer celestial body not fully covers the other celestial body it is called a trans